Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Penny Race!

     The Bonus has ended and now all InCENTives To Trade percentages that will be earned are back to normal.  (Check the ITT tab at the top of screen to get the low-down on what the ITT is and how it will be used to determine how much each trader will earn at the end of the race.)

     Anybody that makes a trade in The Penny Race will earn themselves a predetermined percentage of the profits once the 10th item in their trading path has sold for a cash amount.  The goal is to get all 3 pennies to the 10th trade and then see which one sells for the highest amount.  The penny with the highest profit will be deemed "the Winner" and a jackpot of all remaining bonus percentages will be made.  This is just a way to say "Thank You" to all of those people that have made their generous offers that I've accepted.  
     The more valuable the "final items" are, the more money each trader will have earned.  Make me an offer for any of the 3 items in The Penny Race and get yourself into the race!  As you might have already heard me mention in my kijiji posts or in other posts on this blog.....this race is inspired by Kyle MacDonald's OneRedPaperclip journey where he had taken a single paperclip and, after only 14 trades, traded his way up to a house in Kipling, Sask.!  

     All offers are considered and appreciated.  Not 100% sure about what's going on here?  Send me an email with any of your questions and I'll be sure to get back to you ASAP.  Don't know if your item would be "good enough"?  Let me know what you I said....All offers are considered!  But most of all.....Enjoy The Penny Race and let's trade, Winnipeg!