If you're here, you're probably wondering what the InCENTives To Trade is and how does it work. First of all, the InCENTives To Trade, or ITT, work in a percentage system. For making a trade, a person will earn themselves a predetermined percentage. These percentages indicate how much of the profit will be earned once the item in their penny's path sells for a cash value, as opposed to being traded to something Bigger & Better. (Also check How It Works for more information on the trading process and when the items will be sold for cash.)
I've often thought that a lot of people might be wondering what the actual breakdown of the percent values might be, so I've decided to let you all know exactly what it is. Now, if you've been here before and have checked out the ITT, you'll notice a change. With this change, the traders in each penny's path will now earn a lot more than I had initially planned. This is the actual breakdown:
Trader #1 - 10%
Trader #2 - 5%
Trader #3 - 2%
Trader #4 - 2%
Trader #5 - 1%
Trader #6 - 1%
Trader #7 - 2%
Trader #8 - 2%
Trader #9 - 5%
Trader #10 - 10%
= 40% Given to Traders from each penny's profit when final item sells for cash
+ 25% (for Bonuses during the race)
= 65% (so far...but where is the other 35% going?)
+ 20% Winnipeg Harvest
= 85%
+15% Farrah's Savings (That's my daughter....)
= 100%
Remember, there are 3 pennies, so there are plenty of chances to get in on The Penny Race and become a trader. Make me an offer I can't refuse for one of the items in this unique social experiment and earn yourself the allotted percentage of the profits, for that penny, when the final item is sold for cash.