Although this whole experimental race has already been explained a couple of times in other posts, I thought that I would state the actual rules in the off-chance that some of you might be a little unclear.
1. Any of the items, unless otherwise marked as "On Hold", are up for trade. Offers of items can be emailed to me through the big envelope on the right hand side of the screen or from the trading site that they may have been found on, Kijij, etc. The items up for trade will only be traded for something Bigger & Better than the item in hand. Bigger & Better, in most cases, means more expensive, but will be considered upon offer.
2. Offered items should be in good to great condition. Broken, ripped, tattered, and items that are missing pieces or parts should not be offered, as they will probably not be considered to be a good trade by me. Items should be unique or considered usable by most standards, as this will ensure another quick trade-up with future traders. When emailing your offer, please be as detailed as possible, with attached photos or a link to a description/review of your offered item. This will help me to make a decision in a speedier time.
3. Live, or dead animals, trades of sexual nature, items that money is still left owing on, and items that will dissolve or spoil should not be offered as I will not consider any of these items. Other items may be added to this list if I feel horrified or disappointed in the offer at hand. Only serious offers should be made.
4. Please...No Fake Offers. This experiment is just for fun and to use up any of the free time I actually get during the day. Please don't waste my time or yours with bogus item trade ideas.
5. Upon trying to decide on an item of yours to offer, a few pointers for you could be:
-Look around to see if there is anything that you may have that you haven't used for at least 3 months.
-Could you do without this item?
-Would this item be easy for Pennies To A Dream to trade-up quickly?
-Do you think Pennies To A Dream would like this item?
-Is this item unique or useful for future traders?
-Is this Bigger and Better than what I'll be trading for?
-Would I enjoy being part of this new idea?
-Would this item help the path of the penny that I will be involved in?
-Have I looked at the ITT program being offered by PTAD?
-Did I test the item to make sure it works the way it should?
6. Pictures of trades will be taken and I would appreciate the permission to post your photo on the blog. If not, your anonymity will be respected and photos of trade items only will be posted.
7. All final items will be sold by PTAD. I will determine the price that each item will be sold at. I will post final items for a cash sale once the 10th trade is made in that penny's path, but will continue to trade up to Bigger and Better items if offers continue to come in once available for sale.
8. If taxes need to be paid on the sale of the final item, these taxes will be deducted from the profit of the sale. PTAD can't control what the government decides taxes should be paid on.
9. Rules are subject to change without notice as I hold the sole right to do so upon my own discretion.
10. Suggestions should be emailed to me via my email links at the bottom of each post or by simply emailing me at:
11. Have fun and let's all enjoy this fun and unique experience for what it is and what it is meant to be.