If this is your first time to come to the PTAD website, welcome! If you've been here before, I introduce you to The Change! Because of browser compatibility issues, I was forced to rethink the layout and design of the site. No worries, I love the new look. The old site was slow and had too much going on. We don't all have brand new computers that work quickly. I got rid of the music widget, which nobody ever listened to anyways, and also got rid of the falling pennies. I actually really liked those pennies, but I'm pretty sure that they were the problem that Internet Explorer couldn't deal with. Oh well. The new clouds background is also a fresher look and really makes me feel like I'm in a dream cloud. I will try to keep the site as nice looking and clean as possible so that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy PTAD and the fun race (or races, if this one is a success).
This is a really awesome idea, haven't seen something like this before. I'll be looking to see where this goes, keep it up man!
Thanks for the support. There is another trade lining up for this weekend. Stay tuned for the new item.
I also support the idea. But I don't quite get the point. What I want to hear -- and this is only me -- are your experiences as a single father, for instance. Where's the mom of your baby, for instance? Does she pay you child support or is she a deadbeat Mom? I want to hear about your trials and tribulations...why are you doing this? Are you going to get up close & personal or distant? Kids need their moms -- or do they? Document stuff. Let us know.
My situation isn't horrible in any sense. My wife and daughter are here with me. Michelle is a great mom and my daughter is a happy and healthy 8 month old. If you go to each penny's page, there's a brief explanation for why I chose each penny to start with. Within those pages, you'll be able to tell that I love both my wife and daughter very much, as they are both really amazing. The only reason that I haven't posted a photo of my wife yet, is because she is a little bit picky as to which she wants me to post. lol
There isn't really any other explanation as to why I started this other than curiosity. Curiosity to see if it were possible for anyone else to trade up to a house. It's been done once already by a guy named Kyle. I'll try to find the time in the near future to post another page with details and photos of my family so that it give the people a little more of an explanation as to who I am and why I'm doing this.
Is "withinwithout" serious with that comment or is that a friend of yours razzin you?? Sounds like a nutter personally. . . .
Great job!! It'll be an amazing thing your doing. Just wait and see!
Nope, don't know him. I had commented on his blog and told him to drop by. I didn't realize he was such a negative person. :( Life isn't all gloom and doom. Some people are just trying something different. Would love to be debt free and this just seemed like a fun and interesting way of getting to there.
wow withinwithout needs a LIFE......HE wants to hear all the bad things in your life Curt???? lol go watch DR. PHIL buddy, lmao maybe if you were a single father with a deformed baby you would have a house by now???? WTF dude, Curt i hope all is STILL well and you and your BEAUTIFUL FAMILY have a great Thanksgiving!!
P.S Anyone know when Days of our lives start for withinwithout?????
Yep, all is still well and thank you, I hope you and yours had a fantastic Thanksgiving too. I think I've had enough turkey to last until Christmas. Pumpkin pie on the other hand....I could never have enough of that.
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