Saturday, September 4, 2010


I've spent the last little while trying to perfect the blog and also added a Facebook Fan Page. It's been a very long time since I've tried out using HTML. There seems to be so much to learn just to build a decent blog these days and I don't feel anywhere near done. Unfortunately, while teaching myself HTML (and still trying out CSS), I've completely neglected to write anything new for those of you that might have actually stumbled upon this little venture or accepted any of my invites. I'm really sorry I haven't updated until now, but if this works, it could be a lot of fun for everyone involved, while remaining enjoyable, and hopefully, inspiring to those who are just viewing. I know it's hard to tell tone of speech through text, but if you could hear my text you might be able to guess that
I'm not going to be telling you what I am doing in this post either. Sorry...again. I have a few more photos to take and "butter-up" first, but in the next day or two check back and I WILL explain it all. I have to admit, between raising a 7 month old baby girl, work, sleep (or lack there of), and making sure I still spend enough time with the wife (if the wife's not happy; nobody's happy) learning how to create a decent site is difficult, but as long as I continue to have fun with it, it's all good. But, again, please come back soon to see what's going on.


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