Farrah turned 1 on Jan.25/2011. That year flew by rather quickly, to say the least. She had a fun birthday, which we celebrated on Sunday, so that we could all be there. I had meant to post a special bonus for her item on her birthday, but before I realized it, that day came and went. lol So, I'm initiating her birthday bonus today. The bonus is very similar to the Christmas Present Percentage bonus that I held this past Christmas, but the percentage that will be awarded will be 5% instead of 10%, and will only be one person. This bonus doesn't just apply to the 2010 Penny, but will be applied to all of the pennies in the race.
In case you didn't hear about how the Christmas Present Percentage bonus worked, basically, the next trader from any of the items in the race will receive an additional 5% ITT on top of the ITT that they will already be entered for. But, unlike the Christmas Present Percentage bonus, this will only be to the next trader, and not the next trader of each penny. If it sounds confusing, it isn't. If I accept your offer first, you get the bonus. Simple as that.
This bonus is available starting today (Jan.26/2011) and will end on Sunday (Jan.30/2011). If your offer is accepted before the end date, but the trade doesn't commence until later in the week, you will still get the bonus, but I have to accept your offer first. Remember, offers should be Bigger & Better than the item up for trade and I will not accept monetary offers. Plus, it's not necessarily the first offer that comes in that will be accepted, it's the offer that I can't refuse that will get the bonus. Have fun with it! Join the race and be part of this unique social experiment.
Happy Birthday Farrah!