Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weighing The Options

 Over the past few weeks, I've received numerous offers for the tattoo.  I was fairly impressed by the number of offers coming in, and while not all offers were Bigger & Better than the tattoo, there have definitely been a few that I'm going to have to consider.  I need to be cautious as to which offer I end up choosing, so I've decided to continue letting offers come in until I feel I've had enough time to weigh all of my options.  And although I can only choose one offer, I've had a blast so far seeing all of the different ideas that people have to trade.  
If you have something in mind that you would like to offer in trade for this amazing tattoo coupon, please take into consideration that the offered item should be Bigger & Better than the tattoo.  This coupon is valued at approx. $700 and the person that makes me the offer that I can't refuse will be able to enjoy it for a lifetime!  Not only that, but once the 10th trade has been made in this penny's path, that final item will be sold for a cash value and percentages of the profit will be divided amongst the traders (Refer to InCENTives To Trade for more details).
 The tattoo not your thing?  Don't forget about the other 2 items in The Penny Race!  They've been waiting for new traders for a while now, so please make me an offer and we'll see what comes of it.  Get yourself involved in this unique journey by making an offer for one of these 3 awesome items.  All offers can be sent to me at:

Don't hesitate to email if you have any questions on how The Penny "Trade-UP" Race works.  I love seeing comments too, so please leave a comment if you have the time.  Thanks and good luck!