Friday, April 27, 2012

A little goes a long way

     With the recent changes to the InCENTives To Trade, those of you that have viewed the ITT page may have noticed that 20% of the profits from each penny will be donated to Winnipeg Harvest.  With over 50% of the people that need Winnipeg Harvest being children, Pennies To A Dream has decided that this organization is one of the charities in Winnipeg that is in most need of donations.  They do amazing work for Winnipeg and handled about 11 Million pounds of food for the 2010 year, feeding over 55,000 people...29,000 of those being children.  I'm sure you've heard the statements "People Gotta Eat" and "No Child Should Go To Bed Hungry"....both are more true than most of us think and help is needed now!  If you've ever been extremely hungry, you've had a small taste of what a very large number of Winnipeg families face every day.....some days eating nothing at all.  This is where Winnipeg Harvest helps out, but at the same time, Winnipeg Harvest needs our help too!
     Donations of food and/or money can be donated through the Winnipeg Harvest website, and you can even apply to volunteer your time to help out this amazing organization.  There is an urgent need for food and we can all do our part to help.  Make a trade in The Penny Race, so that we can increase the values of each item.  The Bigger & Better the final items are at the end of the race, the more we can donate to this great non-profit organization. 
     Please take the time to visit their website and see more information about this great group.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Just a little update!

     It's been an interesting couple of weeks and have some good news....another trade is being arranged for this weekend for the Ceiling Fan, so stay tuned to see what it's getting traded up to.  This trade was accepted before the end of the Easter/Birthday Bonus, so this next trader will be receiving the bonus even though the trade is a week later.  That's an extra 3% InCENTive To Trade!   I also enjoyed the trade from the Tattoo to the $1500 worth of Landscaping/paving labor and can't wait to see what that will trade up to.  I can only imaging the amazing ideas that the next trader will have for his or her yard, and with summer quickly approaching, this trade came at the right time.  Now, I just need to find a trader for the Mini-Flip Camcorder and this month will be ultra-fantastic!  Let your friends and family know about The Penny Race, and make me an offer I can't refuse for one of these amazing items in the race.  Changes are still being made to the ITT, which will benefit future traders, so stay tuned for the changes by adding your email address to the mailing list.  Don't forget to follow Penniestoadream on Facebook and Twitter for all updates.  Don't miss out!  I love hearing from all of you, so please don't hesitate to leave a comment on the bottom of any of the posts. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tattoo has been Traded!!!

The Tattoo from 3 time award winning artist Fat Phil at Rouge Tattoo has been officially traded!  I'll be working rigorously to get this next item posted ASAP and should have it up tonight (Saturday April 14/2012).  I'll also be working on getting the updates completed to the InCENTives To Trade, where I'll show you how the percentages will be split for each Penny once the "final" items sell for a cash value.  This is something that I've been procrastinating on for way too long and can't wait to let you all know the new breakdown.  I'd also like you all to take note that the Ceiling Fan in Penny #2's path has been put on hold awaiting a trade that has been accepted and, if all goes well, will be traded next weekend.  I'm still hoping on some offers coming in for the Mini Flip Camcorder, as there is still an Easter/Birthday bonus available for this item until Sunday night, so if you know of anybody....please mention The Penny Race to them.Stay tuned for these new items entering the race.  It's truly fascinating what a penny can "buy" these days with a little bit of patience and hard work. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter/Birthday Bonus!


Until midnight April 8th, if an offer for either the Ceiling Fan or the Mini Flip Camcorder is accepted, I will add 3% InCENTives To Trade (ITT) on top of the ITT that will already be earned for making the trade.  That means that if you make an offer that I accept in trade for the Ceiling Fan (Penny #2), you'll earn yourself a total of 4% of the profits once the "final item" is sold for cash.  That's 3% bonus and 1% earned ITT for making the trade.  Or.....if you trade for the Mini Flip Camcorder, you'll be earning yourself a total of 5% of the profits from Penny #3's final item once it's sold for cash.   That's 3% for the bonus and the 2% you'd already be earning for making the trade.

With Penny #1 holding a fairly strong lead, and only being a few trades from winning the race, Penny's #2 & 3 need to get a move on!  So take advantage of this bonus and become part of The Penny Race.  Make me an offer I can't refuse.  Email your offers to:

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend, and a special thanks to those that wished me a Happy B-Day!   I couldn't have been happier this year.