Saturday, March 26, 2011

Curt's Birthday Bonus!

Bonus Extended until midnight, April 10th

     Happy Birthday To Me!

     Another birthday, another bonus!  My birthday is quickly approaching, so I feel another bonus is in order.  This bonus will consist of an additional 5% ITT on top of the regular ITT that will be earned for making the next trade.  There are 3 bonuses, one for each item in the race.  The bonus starts today (Mar.26) and will end at midnight on my birthday (Apr. 4).  To get one of these bonuses, you need to make me an offer I can't refuse and then make the trade with me for one of the items in the race.  As stated above, there will be one bonus for each of the items.  Please don't hesitate
to send me an email with any of your questions or to make me an offer.  There are some pretty sweet items in the race and I can't wait to see what comes next.  
     The Old Hockey Cards and the Mini Camcorder are the most recent items, while the At Home Photo Lab has been around for a while longer.  I would really love to see each of the items trade-up by my birthday and feel that would be an awesome birthday gift.  Please help PTAD achieve this goal and claim your 5% bonus by making the trade.
     Please follow the Rules (which are fairly basic) and check out a few of the Tips for making offers.  I'll also be working on a post in the near future explaining which charities will receive donations.  There are 3 charities, one for each penny, so keep checking back to see which charity will go with each penny.
     Help me celebrate my birthday and join the race!  Good luck and Let's Trade, Winnipeg!


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