Friday, November 26, 2010

Gift Ideas

Another crazy dump of snow….which means that the shovel is in constant use.  Deck, stairs, and sidewalk.  Deck, stairs, and sidewalk.  Again and again.  It seems that once I’ve finished shovelling all three, I have to start all over.  The wind whips through the common area and over the buildings, sweeping all of the fresh fallen snow right back over my nicely shovelled spots.  But, it’s a lot easier to shovel if there’s an inch of snow, as opposed to a foot of that fluffy stuff.  Farrah seems to find it quite amusing.  She loves to stand at the window watching Daddy shovel and it makes me laugh when she uses the window to make funny faces at me.  What a comedian she is.

With all of this new snow, I’ve come to the realization that Christmas is only 1 MONTH AWAY!  Where did this year go?!  Days have really seemed to fly by ever since we had Farrah.  Now, it’s time to start the hustle and bustle of Christmas.  The stores are becoming quite busy with shoppers trying to finish off their holiday shopping early and the streets are down to a crawl at rush hour, most likely due to the over-whelming amount of snow we’ve had in the last week.  I’ve tried to get my shopping done early, too, but every time I go to buy a gift for someone, I fall short on gift ideas and end up buying Farrah another present.  She’s going to be spoiled this year…as she should be since it’s her first Christmas. 
This year, as it’s been in the past, it seems like there are more and more people on the gift list.  The presents seem to cost more leaving a big dent in the piggy bank.  That’s one reason why becoming a trader in The Penny Race is a good idea.  All items currently available would make great gifts.  Either for a spouse, son/daughter, friends, or even just for yourself.  Plus, technically, you don’t even have to spend a red cent from your pocket.  The rules are simple, trading is easy, and the Incentives To Trade are a great added bonus.  If you make an offer I can’t refuse, the new item will be posted for trade ASAP in hopes of another trader to come along and do the same. 
The items that are currently available (at the time of this post) are the Soothing Sound package, the At Home Photo Lab, and Farrah Faucet.  The Soothing Sound package is actually 2 items that will be traded together as one, preferably for one item that is Bigger & Better than both put together.  First is a Homedics Massaging Backrest (batteries included) and the second is an iMode ipod docking station/clock/radio (great for listening to music and getting a back massage at the same time).  The Photo Lab is an All-in-One Printer which is perfect for printing out all of those Christmas photos that will be taken this season.  And last, but not least, is Farrah Faucet.  An elegant and great looking bathroom faucet that would look great in anyone’s bathroom, giving your bathroom a nice new look for when guests arrive during the holidays.  This is a very unique social experiment that anyone can be part of.  But the only way that you can be involved in the race is to make an offer that I can’t refuse for one of the items that are available.  Don’t be shy.  Be part of the race.  Make me an offer I can’t refuse.  I look forward to meeting the next traders and can’t wait to see which of the 3 pennies takes the lead.
To make an offer or to get your name on the mailing list for new posts and items, just move your cursor over the white envelope on the right side of your screen and click, or use your own email client (ie. Hotmail, yahoo, gmail, etc) and send your offer to:  Any comments, concerns, words of encouragement, or just to say anything that is on your mind can be put in any of the comment sections on any of the posts, but I would encourage you to at least let me know that you’ve seen the race by commenting in the guestbook post.  All new followers are welcome, too. 


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